the companion of Jamel Debbouze cash on this question!

Over the years, Mouloud Achour has become one of the emblematic faces of Canal +. The faithful friend of Vincent Cassel is currently at the controls of the “Clique” program on the decrypted channel. This Wednesday, June 7, 2023, the star had the honor of receiving Mélissa Theuriau on her essential set. Coming to promote her new documentary called “Premier de chore”, the happy mother of two children took pleasure in presenting it.

This project which was close to his heart is already available on art. It highlights the daily life of Makan, a Malian illegal immigrant who earns his living by working in the kitchens of a Parisian restaurant. At the same time, the latter also provides home delivery of meals. The main interested party combines two jobs to be able to help his family who remained in Mali. A report rich in emotions that left no one unmoved. However, Mélissa Theuriau received countless criticisms for this shoot.

see also:

“I don’t give a damn…”

“When you make these kinds of commitments, as has been the case in the past, do you expose yourself to attacks on social networks?“, interested Mouloud Achour. Obviously, it takes a lot more to intimidate Mélissa Theuriau: “I don’t give a damn. I don’t think about it, otherwise we don’t do anything anymore. It’s the least of my worries, sincerely. And then, I’m very little present on social networks so for once that has no effect”.

Through her job and at her own level, Mélissa Theuriau likes to make things happen to change mentalities. It is important to show that this country needs these men and women, that in no case did they come to take the job of others […]”, added the wife of Jamel Debbouze. The opportunity for her to send a strong message: “Let’s treat them with respect, let’s reduce the time to regularize them, let’s make sure that they can live in this country by loving it. And loving this country is also being part of it”.


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