the companion of Delphine Tellier appears with another woman to announce another happy event

Jean-Pascal Lacoste has several strings to his bow between his former career in music, comedy or even his status as a columnist in TPMP… The former lifeguard has tried everything. That said, his journey has not been all rosy since he could have lived through the worst to obtain a better status given proposals he received like Fabienne Carat.

speaking of her, the two celebrities have a common point of size. This Thursday, March 31, 2022, Fabienne Carat posted a captioned video as follows on Instagram: “When a man comes into your kitchen to cook you a good dinner for THURSDAY APRIL 21 thank you @jp.lacoste See you soon in @section_de_recherches #auteursAssociés #broadcast on @tf1 at 9:15 p.m. on April 21 “.

In this media, Fabienne Carat staged herself returning home and hearing Jean-Pascal Lacoste beating … a colander of cherry tomatoes. “I’m going home, it’s a bit late. What is that noise ? JP what the hell are you doing here?” then asks the young mother. To which, the principal concerned replied: “I’m cooking for April 21. I made tomatoes”. In reality, Delphine Tellier’s companion staged himself in cook mode to announce the broadcast date of Research Section where they shared the poster. At the time, she was still pregnant with her baby. In any case, the least we can say is that their complicity is a pleasure to see.

Besides, we are not the only ones to think so since we could read comments under the video saying: “TOO HASTE ON APRIL 21ST SIMPLY MAGNIFICENT ACTRESS WITH A LOT OF TALENT A RAY OF SUNSHINE FABIENNE A WONDERFUL FORMIDABLE WOMAN”, “Two people I adore kisses my Fabienne and our JP see you soon and good appetite” or “Ahhh… our JP, what HAPPINESS to see him again, we love him, and our delicious Fabienne, both of them are a great team!!! A real pleasure!!!” and “you are awesome so excited to discover this final and sad at the same time that this superb series stops“. The appointment is made!

See also: Fabienne Carat and her miraculous pregnancy

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