the Communist Party wants to “go after those who no longer vote on the left”, affirms Léon Deffontaines



Video duration:
10 minutes


Article written by

France 2 – J. Wittenberg

France Televisions

Léon Deffontaines, leader of the Communist Party in the 2024 European elections, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Friday September 15.

Faced with inflation, the French Communist Party (PCF) advocates strong action. “With Fabien Roussel, we provoked destiny so that the government takes concrete action in favor of purchasing power (the French), says Léon Deffontaines, guest of “4 Vérités”, Friday September 15. For the leader of the PCF in the 2024 European elections, the executive is “very inactive”. “On the increase in salaries, there is almost nothing, just like on the increase in retirement and disability pensions”he continues.

“We have differences on the left”

Less than a year from the Europeans, the Nupes seems divided. “We need consistency. Our ambition is to also seek out those who no longer vote on the left”explains Léon Deffontaines. “On June 9, the European elections could be likened to a referendum, for example on the question of the enlargement of the European Union. We have differences on the left”adds the leader of the PCF to the Europeans.

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