the communist Fabien Roussel wants “a referendum” and “an alternative project to that of the government”


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After Elisabeth Borne indicated in her general policy speech that it would be necessary to “work gradually a little longer”, Fabien Roussel believes that allowing the French to retire at 60 is “possible” and “financeable”..

“I will take the initiative, at the start of the school year, to make all the left-wing groups work [à l’Assemblée]but also trade unions who wish to set up an alternative project to that of the government” on pensions, assured the national secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF), Fabien Roussel, Thursday July 7 on franceinfo.

The day before, during her general policy speech, the Prime Minister assured that “we will have to work gradually a little longer”while specifying that the government’s project is not yet “tied up”. “We have made enough of the efforts, the savings”estimated the deputy of the North.

“It will be project against project” he promised. “What we want is to put in place a progressive pension reform, to guarantee retirement at 60, 55 for difficult jobs and to be able to finance it by taxing capital income which must be taxed”he detailed.

“We must guarantee employees to retire from the age of 60: it is possible and it is financeable.”

Fabien Roussel

at franceinfo

For him, “there could be two projects put on the table, one by the left, and the other by the liberals, and that the French decide and that we have a vast and great debate”. By way of example, he cited “the referendum on the European Constitution Treaty in 2005” in which “the French were really interested”.

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