the communist Fabien Roussel promises to withdraw it if he is elected president


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Fabien Roussel “prefers a society of benevolence to a society of constraint”.

“Yes, I withdraw it”, replied Fabien Roussel, candidate of the French Communist Party for the presidential election, Wednesday January 26 on franceinfo, when he was asked about the maintenance or not of the vaccination pass if he reaches the Élysée. “I do not share the choice made by the government to impose this vaccination under duress through the vaccination pass, when there are still so many efforts to be made to convince those who are not vaccinated”, he also said. For him, “we will not convince by coercive measures”.

He “wish” so “that doctors can go door to door with the list of unvaccinated” of their territory. “Doctors receive every year from the Primary Health Insurance Fund the list of women who must be screened for breast cancer, and therefore, they must call them” to encourage them to do so, he recalled. “Let’s trust them to do the same” with “those who are not vaccinated”, he launched, adding that he “prefers a society of benevolence to a society of constraint”.

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