The “common sense” of the pandemic trajectory is confirmed in Quebec

This text is taken from our newsletter “Coronavirus Mail” of May 16, 2022. To subscribe, click here.

The “common sense” of the pandemic trajectory announced by the acting national director of public health, Dr. Luc Boileau, is confirmed.

If we compare the trends over three springs, the curve of new daily hospitalizations follows a steeper downward tangent this year than in the previous two.

According to the latest INESSS report, the number of cases identified has been falling steadily for three weeks. “The decline is observed in all age groups and in all regions,” it says.

Government researchers have also published their forecasts for the coming weeks, and there is also cause for optimism. They foresee in fact within two weeks “a reduction in the number of new hospitalizations of approximately 55 per day”.

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