“The common orgasm saves the world” affirmed the defendant

“You take both your hands, you push a little on the wheels and you come up to the bar”, orders the president of the court. Beige wool vest on his back, gray hair receding, Claude Alonso arrives in a wheelchair, he twists in pain to stretch his legs on a chair. The president still calls for his coming to the bar to introduce himself. The highly anticipated trial, postponed last year for health reasons of the accused, opened on Monday at the Assizes of Bordeaux and will last at least five days.

Claude Alonso appears in particular for having raped several people including his daughter, and of having abused the weakness of several women fragile with a difficult past. The President summarizes: “He is accused of various ‘sectarian offences’, namely mental manipulation intended to derive a certain number of benefits that can be sanctioned by law.”

Throne, scepter and crystal ball

According to the indictment, between 2003 and 2014, in Gujan Mestras, Claude Alonso set up a company for “the mutual aid of beings for the improvement of living conditions through positive thoughts”, he calls himself Zeus and welcomes at his side several women, including his daughter.

In this house in Gujan, he stages himself in a mezzanine. Dressed in red on a throne, at his side, a scepter, a sword, a crystal ball, women must bow down behind him. He tries to reconstruct the mythology of Olympus by writing “tables of the law” himself. We can read a doctrine, a mixture of religion and mythology with more or less meaning, such as: “Heracles seeks to cling to the symphonic arch of silvery light.”

Lexomil is at the center of this file, it allows a chemical constraint

The vulnerable women who live alongside her give all of their income and “must become his sexual objects to bring him energy and save the world” details the president who summarizes the investigation carried out against Claude Alonso. The octogenarian mixes sweet wine with an anxiolytic drug, Lexomil, to obtain the obedience of his followers. “Lexomil is at the center of this file explains the president of the assize court, it allows a chemical constraint.”

He is looking for the perfect orgasm, called “the arcane AZF” because “the common orgasm saves the world”masturbates the residents during meals, asks to wear the skirt without panties so as not to “wasting time in the needs of the master”gives her urine to drink, a mixture of wine and menstrual bloodrefers to an invisible piece of advice that can make someone sick or die…

Guilt and shame

And this is where we are talking about control, in addition to forced sexual relations, the accused brings a lot of guilt and a sense of shame to the women who gravitate around him. He accuses them, for example, of the nuclear explosion of Fukushima because they did not reach the perfect orgasm.

“He took away my defenses and my bearings, it’s as if I woke up at 30 years old asking myself: ‘What happened to get to this'” explains during her hearing the daughter of Claude Alonso, who claims to have been raped by her father on several occasions. “He stole part of our lives from us,” summarizes another victim.

He disputes all the facts alleged against him. It incurs up to twenty years of criminal imprisonment for aggravated rape.

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