the commitment of Ukrainian widows on the front


Video length: 3 mins.


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Since the start of the war in Ukraine, more than 42,000 women have joined the army, including many widows of soldiers, according to the Ukrainian authorities.

Yevgenia knows the alleys of the cemetery of kyiv (Ukraine) well. She goes there as soon as she can since she lost her husband, who died six months ago in Bakhmout (Ukraine). “When I learned of his death, I realized that someone had to take up the torch. Those who are not fighting right now have to prepare for it. Sooner or later, most of us will be directly involved in this war”says the 34-year-old Ukrainian mother.

frontline nurse

Before the war, Yevgenia had an embroidery workshop. Today, she proudly wears the uniform. She joined the front near Donetsk, in the Donbass. She is a frontline nurse and now encounters death every day. “When I treat a seriously injured person, I talk to him a lot to prevent him from fainting. I always ask him if someone is waiting for him somewhere”, she says. According to the Ukrainian authorities, since the beginning of the war, more than 42,000 women have joined the army. Many of them would be widows of soldiers.

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