the commission delivers its recommendations


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1 minute

Incest: the commission delivers its recommendations

After three years of investigation, the report from the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence Against Children (Ciivise) reveals an unbearable reality about incest in France. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – E. Bailly

France Televisions

After three years of investigation, the report from the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence Against Children (Ciivise) reveals an unbearable reality about incest in France.

The Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence Against Children (Ciivise) has collected thousands of overwhelming testimonies of incest. According to its report, 160,000 children are victims of sexual violence every year. That’s one child every three minutes in France. La Ciivise makes 82 recommendations, including systematic screening and an individual medical appointment for all minors each year. Second idea: make sexual assaults imprescriptible, so that they are not extinguished in criminal law.

A cost of 9.7 billion euros per year for society

Third option: suspend the parental authority of the adult prosecuted for this type of act. Essential prevention methodssaccording to the president of the Ciivise, because it is expensive to treat these victims. “The absence of care, the impunity of attackers costs society: 9.7 billion euros per year”, alarms Edouard Durand, co-president of Ciivise. Final request of this report: not to dissolve the Ciivise so as not to interrupt the work of freeing speech.

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