the coming out of an active Australian player


France 2

Article written by

M. Lescanne, R. Doumergue, L. Klein – France 2

France Televisions

Professional soccer player Josh Cavallo has come out. He plays in Australia.

Visibly moved, Australian footballer Josh Cavallo is about to break a taboo. “There is something personal that I have to share with everyone: I am a footballer and I am gay”, confides the young man. Words that resonate like liberation. It is the first time that an active professional player has revealed his homosexuality. In this video posted on social networks by the Australian club Adelaide, Josh Cavallo reveals the reasons that pushed him to break the silence: “I’m tired of trying to give the best of my ability and live this double life. It’s exhausting and it’s something I don’t wish anyone else to go through.”.

A message quickly greeted by big names in football. On Twitter, Antoine Griezmann said to himself “proud” by Josh Cavallo. Barca player Gérard Piqué also posted a message of encouragement: “I don’t have the pleasure of knowing you personally, but I want to thank you for this step you are taking. The world of football is far behind and you are helping us to move forward”.

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