the comedian shocked by the request of a man in the middle of Paris

If Gad Elmaleh is one of the most popular comedians in France, he is also well known in the United States and Canada where he has managed to make a career. And at 50, the actor has not finished conquering the world since he has just mentioned a brand new project which will start in Lourdes. Noé and Raphaël’s dad will indeed participate in the staging of the show “Bernadette de Lourdes”, a musical that tells the story of Bernadette Soubirous, a woman who claims to have seen the Virgin in 1858…

“I am so proud to be part of the production team of this incredible adventure. A moving universal story. Artists of great talent who have fought every second for more than two and a half years to bring this project back to life” said declared Gad Elmaleh on Instagram before adding: “Premiere on April 11 in Lourdes and on tour all over the world”.

Gad Elmaleh facing an arrogant fan
If the actor will be able to find his fans in Italy, he once explained that his Parisian admirers can be “arrogant”. In June 2021, Gad Elmaleh had indeed participated in a program for the YouTube channel of McFly and Carlito in which several personalities told their “worst anecdotes of shame”.

Gad Elmaleh then recounted the time he came across an extraordinary fan: “Do you want to know the most arrogant photo request I’ve had in my entire life? So, it’s a guy in the phone, on the Champs-Élysées in Paris” explains the comedian, mimicking the man talking on the phone. “And there he sees me and says ‘Hey Gad’ but he continues his conversation and manages at the same time talking to me and talking to his interlocutor…”. “He said ‘can we take a picture?’ So I say yes.” Against all odds, the fan then asks him to wait two seconds while he finishes his conversation.

Amused, Gad Elmaleh continues his story: “And you know what, I waited! Because he blocked me the guy. I was wise what” remembered the comedian in front of the other hilarious guests …


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