Inès Reg is one of the personalities to follow closely. For several years, the young woman has flourished with panache in the 7ᵉ art. A born hard worker, she has not finished impressing us with her upcoming projects. Whether on the boards or on the screen! If the comedian has integrated the Jamel Comedy Club in 2013, it was above all the publication of a hilarious video on social networks that propelled her as a star.
In 2019 facing the camera, Inès Reg was annoyed that her husband took her to McDo to spend a romantic evening! “The calculations are not good Kevin”, then threw the pretty brunette. “When are you going to put some glitter in my life Kevin? I want moldings on the ceiling”. For TV 7 days, the main interested party confided without filter on this buzz.
“I can tell you that they gained strength in the room…”
“My entourage was not very warm for me to publish this video”she revealed. “They didn’t think she was crazy…”. Despite her notoriety, Inès Reg has always been able to keep her feet. ” It’s incredible. As a comedian, we often hear ourselves say that we have to be at the right time, in the right place. This is what happened to me “, added the actress.
On a daily basis, Inès Reg is very active on social networks. Especially on Instagram. She can also boast of having a large community with her 2 million followers! This Monday, May 24, Kevin Debonne’s wife announced that she had the privilege of attending one of rapper Hatik’s shows! Obviously, the interpreter of “Drowned” unleashed passions on stage. And he would even have dropped the top, thus complexing some male spectators.
“If you knew how I laughed when in the second half of the concert he came back shirtless and saw all the guys questioning themselves in the room. It was sweet and hilarious,” explained Inès Reg by revealing some images of the concert via her Instagram story. In the process, she also had fun mimicking their amazed faces. “The faces of the guys in the room when they saw Hatik re enter the stage shirtless. I can tell you that they were strong in the room until the end of the concert”. Obviously a memorable moment!

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