the comedian escapes prison … The prosecution appeals!

The Pierre Palmade affair continues to make the A French media. Just a week ago, the comedian caused a terrible road accident in Seine-et-Marne. Having taken the wheel under the influence of cocaine, the ex-husband of Véronique Sanson collided with another car. In addition to the star, three people were seriously injured as a result of the shock.

Friday February 17, 2023, the Melun prosecutor indicated that the three victims were still in a state “worrying”. That same day, Pierre Palmade was presented to an examining magistrate with a view to an indictment for “homicide and manslaughter”. At the same time, the two alleged passengers of the actor suspected of having fled were presented for their “no assistance to the person in danger”.

The director of Pierre Palmade makes an astonishing statement: “It was amazing!”

“It would have a black hole…”

According to the latest news, the latter were placed and released under the status of assisted witnesses. For his part, Pierre Palmade was released under judicial supervision with an electronic bracelet. The artist will be assigned to residence in an addiction service in a hospital in the Paris region. According to our colleagues from BFM-TVthe sidekick of Michèle Laroque was placed at the Paul Brousse hospital in Villejuif in an addiction service.

If the investigation is ongoing, the prosecution has also appealed this decision. As a reminder, Pierre Palmade ensures that he has very few memories of this terrible evening. “He would have a black hole between the moment he leaves his home and his awakening in the hospital. He would just remember having closed his gate before going shopping in a supermarket, a few kilometers from his home”, indicated TF1 Info. However, the artist would indeed have “confirmed” to the police “that he was accompanied by two men, with whom he had sex while having consumed drugs”. Case to follow!


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