The columnist of “TPMP”, Benjamin Castaldi, wanted to end his life… his colleagues very moved!

The days pass and are not alike on the set of Do not touch My TV. It must be said that the current topics change daily and give the opportunity to the columnists of Cyril Hanouna to debate between them although it is not always all rosy.

A few weeks ago, Benjamin Castaldi had the opportunity to come back to the reasons that led him to do cosmetic surgery or his past relationship with Flavie Flament on the occasion of the return of Home Stars on TF1. Thus, the father of the family declared: “I find that Flavie is poorly exploited in it. We see her a little bit or not at all and it’s Caroline Gavignet who does all the surprises. She’s very nice but hey, she goes on the air, it’s not the star of the program, it’s rather the host (…) It’s a shame because it was a very beautiful brand which is a little damaged”.

But this Thursday, April 7, 2022 where the tone is raised between Géraldine Maillet, Cyril Hanouna and Delphine Wespiser, Benjamin Castaldi spoke about a much less joyful subject with his comrades visibly moved by his revelations.

Benjamin Castaldi thought of the worst

On Thursday evening, Cyril Hanouna launched a debate around the columnist who burst into tears on the air because of her salary. From there, the team gave their opinion on the fact that working in television necessarily means that the person is rich. “The descent into hell is the same for everyone” first pointed out Benjamin Castaldi.

Then, the former host of loft story spoke about his own case and said: “When you’re taking the gun and loading it saying ‘what do I do, I’m going or I’m not going’. You think of your children, the descent is indeed a bit hard . Shut the fuck up now. There’s something to cry about. When you kill yourself because of that, there’s something to cry about. But I’m not going to cry now to please you”. Confidences that stuck Cyril Hanouna and the rest.

See also: Benjamin Castaldi at TF1

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