the columnist looks back on the dark hours of TPMP

This Sunday, January 8, 2023, the famous antique dealer Caroline Margeridon, particularly known for her participation in the program “Affaire concluded” on France 2, was attacked in the middle of the street in Saint-Ouen, in a parking lot near the Biron market, district in which she owns a shop. Two men allegedly beat her violently in order to seize her expensive luxury bag containing, in particular, €650 in cash. In shock, the mother of the family hastened to file a complaint at the nearest police station, despite her facial injury.

Cyril Hanouna thus evoked this aggression in the program TPMP of this Tuesday January 10, 2023 and asked about his columnists on the risks linked to celebrity. Gilles Verdez immediately took the floor to confide that he had been threatened on several occasions and more recently because of his comments on pedophiles who, according to him, “are not monsters”.

Matthieu Delormeau took the floor in turn to admit having been threatened and having received an anonymous SMS in which was marked: “We’ll be downstairs when you come down…”. Shocked by this revelation, Cyril Hanouna explained to him that he can benefit from special protection as was the case for Valérie Bénaïm.

Valérie Bénaïm placed under protection
Live, the columnist returned to this complicated period during which she had also decided not to appear in TPMP for a certain time: “I would like to thank you because you put a bodyguard on me, because there is someone who came here to attack me physically, he came twice, the second time he was arrested. It upset me enormously because I absolutely did not expect it. I thought that we were in a democracy, in a society where we can debate, where we can disagree and even extremely strong way but I didn’t think it would lead to violence…” she said.

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