Full house for the open day at the Colomiers rescue center in Haute-Garonne, this Saturday, September 10. The public responded in large numbers and the firefighters were eager to find them, apart from their interventions. Obviously because of the COVID19 pandemic, their last edition had been cancelled.
But this time, the 50 professional firefighters and the forty volunteer firefighters, members of the association, are present, to welcome several thousand curious people. And they do not spare themselves to show all that they are capable of doing.
Abseiling with a dog under his arm, climbing the big ladder, maneuvering the big red truck closely, dismantling a damaged vehicle… The technical gestures carried out by the firefighters are just as impressive as they are instructive for the Hauts Garonnais who come to discover their profession. “We find it important to participate in this kind of day because we learned how to do cardiac massage”explains Natalie. “We also learned, for example, that it would be important to display their home phone number with our address, so that if we have a problem, our children can call the fire department.”
But beyond the show aspect, it’s a moment that warms the hearts of firefighters. “It’s been three years since we were able to do our open day and it feels good to meet people, to talk about our passion. Because it’s also our passion” confirms the president of the friendly firefighters of Colomiers, Benoit Dabezies.
Toulousains admiring the mobilization of firefighters this summer in Gironde
The visitors of the day also wanted to come and show their support for the firefighters, grateful for their efforts throughout the summer. And in particular during the mega fires in Gironde, Landiras and Teste de Buch which have marked a lot in the region, attests captain Marion Guérive: “The support of the population, clearly, we felt it enormously this summer”.
“Personally, I was able to go to Landiras and indeed, a lot of people came to thank us for what we did, so it’s really warm to the heart”, explains the assistant to the head of the center of Colomiers.
Open days that also serve to recruit
Strengthen the link with the population, acquire reflexes in terms of first aid but also create vocations are the objectives of these days. It’s not just the little ones to say “When I grow up, I will be a firefighter”, adults also end up projecting themselves there, and getting information to become volunteers.
This is the case of Kylian, 22 years old. “I think it’s something that has a lot of meaning. Today, in my everyday work, I don’t necessarily find meaning. Sometimes, I say to myself, but why do that? absolutely useless”testifies this young man, who works in the after-sales service, for the large distribution.
Today, I want to be a volunteer firefighter to really give meaning to what I do every day
“It is surely one of the most beautiful professions in France, the most useful. I want to help the firefighters and bring my little touch. I play sports, I am young, in good health. I am ready and I don’t care if I have to sacrifice my weekends”, says Kylian, determined to send his CV and cover letter as soon as possible. The firefighters with whom he was able to talk at the recruitment stand confirmed to him that they were always looking for reinforcementsdue to high staff turnover.