the Collioure Festival with Mathieu Madénian

To end the month of July on a high note, “My France, summer“enjoy the sun Eastern Pyrenees to help you discover the rural and coastal town of Collioure. This Friday begins precisely the Collioure Summer Festival, imagined and sponsored by Mathieu Madénian.

It’s on the square Caloni that the festival and France Bleu set up, at the same time, in order to share with you the excitement of the festivities.

Mathieu Madénian and the Collioure Festival

French humorist, actor and columnist Mathieu Madenian is at the origin of this first comedy festival of the village, which he imagined and decided to sponsor. He participates in it, by offering his show on Saturday evening, alongside other renowned comedians such as Arnaud Ducret this Friday night and Booder Sunday night. We will also find Christine Berrou, Gérémy Crédeville, Oldefaf Where again Elodie Arnould. “Discovery” trays are also offered every evening with five to six comedians.

The weekend is intended to be popular and festive and will promote the heritage, history, culture and gastronomy of Collioure.

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Guest in “My France, summer“, Mathieu Madenian tells us about his love for this little corner of paradise by the sea. He gives his tips and good addresses to indulge yourself with the flavors of the area!

Chapels and legends, rowing and seabed

Journalist and Historian, Bernard Rieu comes to tell us the legend of Our Lady of Consolationthe chapel of Collioure as well as the military fort of Sainte Elme. Saint Elme is said to have protected and saved boats caught in a violent storm.

President of Collioure Sportif Aviron and French traditional rowing champion in 2019, Pierre Loreto explains everything to you the ancestral practice rowing. In Catalan, this sport is called “llagut“, it means fixed bench rowing.

In the past, fixed bench boats were used by fishermen, who sought to return to port as quickly as possible to be the first to sell their fish on the stalls of the municipalities.

Finally, Romain Hubert tells us about the seabed. The Gulf of Lion Marine Nature Park is currently involved in setting up mooring areas equipped with buoys for boats to avoid the use of heavy anchors. These can damage the seabed and cause the flora to disappear.

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