the collective “The Uprisings of the Earth” dissolved


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, presented the decree for the dissolution of the “Les Uprisings of the Earth” collective to the Council of Ministers on Wednesday 21 June. The collective, supported by the left and the Greens, has become a symbol of division. The point with Guillaume Daret, in duplex of the Elysée in Paris.

The “Earth Uprisings” were officially dissolved on Wednesday June 21, in the morning, in the Council of Ministers. “The government accuses him of carrying out violent actions. These Earth Uprisings were born in 2021 on the former ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes”, specifies Guillaume Daret. A procedure had already been committed in March last, after the rapesslow clashes between the police and opponents of mega basins in Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres).

Appeal before the Council of State provided

They were also present at the demonstration, however prohibited, against the railway line between Lyon and Turincontinues the journalist. A Good part of the left considers that it is a political measure. The boss of EELV, Marine Tondelier, speaks of a “criminalization of ecology”. The government denies it. The Earth Uprisings promise an appeal to the Council of Stateconcludes William Daret.

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