The Collection, Bachman Cummings | The duty

They are the best. Guess who ? But if Randy Bachman and Burton Cummings, let’s say it, were the Lennon-McCartneys of pop-rock made in Canada. Within the Guess Who with Jim Kale and Garry Peterson, they were untouchables, spawners of immortals; imagine if we add the successes of both to their charts. This is precisely the good idea we had here: to bring everything together. The five essential Guess Who pancakes from the great era, and a no-frills compilation of beetles for everyone. Booklet documented at will, careful mixes for the CDs as well as the grooves engraved new (yes, it sounds better than the original discs), no complaints. Otherwise we would have taken a few more records, with demos, alternative takes, or even a few unpublished ones: for those who already have a large batch of 45s and 33s from friends in their discotheque, the added value would have made the more enticing purchase. For the others, those who would not know who is who, rush, what!

The Collection



Bachman Cummings, Sony Music Canada, seven disc box set

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