The “Collectif Palestine Vaincra”, based in Toulouse, under dissolution procedure

The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin will ask for the dissolution of the “Collectif Palestine Vaincra” and “Palestine Action Committee“, accused of incitement to hatred, discrimination, violence” and “provocation to terrorist acts”, he tweeted Thursday.

Call for hatred and violence

The dissolution procedure, initiated at the request of President Macron, will be launched “in the coming days”, the ministry told AFP. The “Collectif Palestine Vaincra” is accused by the ministry of calling for hatred, discrimination and violence”. According to the Interior, this group “under the guise of defending the Palestinian cause”, “cultivates the feeling of oppression of Muslim peoples (…) with the aim of spreading the idea of ​​Islamophobia internationally.”

The ministry also accuses him of calling for “discrimination and hatred towards Israel and Israelis”, in particular through boycott campaigns. Among the latest actions of the collective, based in Toulouse, a “#Palestine2022” campaign which aims to “denounce the collaboration of French governments with Israeli apartheid” and to “invite the subject of the Palestinian cause into the debates of the election presidential,” reads its website.

Palestine Action Committee also in the sights

The “Palestine Action Committee” is accused of “relaying statements” and “reporting on the activity of Palestinian terrorist organizations, including Hamas, the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine and Hezbollah”. It affirms “in its charter its support for all organizations fighting against Israel, including when they use violence or terrorist methods”, points out the ministry. The “Palestine Action Committee”, based in Bordeaux, according to its website, presents itself as an association working “for the realization of the national rights of the Palestinian people”, in particular “the right of return of refugees, that is to say the liberation of the Arab land of Palestine”. The association also says it denounces “Zionism as a colonialist and racist movement”.

With AFP.

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