The coach of the ASPTT Saint-Lô handball club attacked after a match in Gravenchon

The facts came after an already very tense pre-national meeting. In a press release, the leaders of the ASPTT Saint-Lô evoke a climate “deleterious, where insults and verbal aggression towards the Mancho players”, would have punctuated the game. It was therefore after this confrontation, which ended in a draw, that five individuals allegedly attacked coach saint-lois in the hallways of the gymnasium. They would have presented themselves as supporters and would have rushed to the coach. The ASPTT speaks of a premeditated action.

A complaint lodged

The victim was taken to the emergency room which found several injuries and bruises. A complaint was filed on Sunday morning by the Saint-Lois club, which is now asking the hand authorities, the Normandy league in particular, to take all the necessary sanctions. The president of the league Nicolas Marais indicates for his part that the Disciplinary Committee has been seized of these facts which remain very rare in Handball. Before any decision, the commission expects to obtain all the elements, and reports from the two clubs as well as the referees of the match.

“The essential values ​​of our sport have been flouted and trampled on”denounces the ASPTT Saint-Lô. On social networks, many messages of support are going in the same direction.

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