“The CNews virus has contaminated it”

Laurence Ferrari is surely one of the personalities most loyal to Vincent Bolloré. During the i-Télé crisis in 2016, the journalist was one of those who refused to strike, and who firmly and proudly supported the billionaire. For several days, the decision of the Council of State, which asks CNews for more rigor in its debates and in the assumed right-wing editorial line that it adopts, has made all the channel’s journalists roar. Among the most virulent, Laurence Ferrari, Christine Kelly, Pascal Praud and Jean-Marc Morandini. On this occasion, this Monday February 19, 2024, Telerama dedicates a portrait to Laurence Ferrari, who, after several years spent at 8 p.m. on TF1, chose to work for Vincent Bolloré, despite criticism and controversy.

Hapsatou Sy knew Laurence Ferrari well. The two women have long been colleagues, and even established friendships when they worked together on Le Grand 8, between October 2012 and June 2016. But since the editorial shift taken by CNews, and which Laurence Ferrari approves, the companion of Vincent Cerutti has moved away from her colleague: “I don’t recognize her. I’m a little disappointed. She was contaminated by the CNews virus” she laments, at first.

By working with Laurence Ferrari for four years, Hapsatou Sy claims to have known a woman who is the opposite of the values ​​she salutes and approves on the air of CNews: I prefer to keep the memory of a woman who positioned herself in favor of the anti-FN, anti-racism, and who would never have adhered to this editorial line. Laurence didn’t fit at all with the CNews line, but it’s difficult to judge: she has bills to pay, like everyone else, perhaps that’s what keeps her there” explains the entrepreneur.

She worked for the group for almost seven years

Hapsatou Sy knew the Canal group well, with which she collaborated for almost ten years. Columnist of the Grand 8 alongside Roselyne Bachelot, Audrey Pulvar, Elisabeth Bost and Aïda Thouiri, she also became a host on D8 in 2015 of a fashion competition shunned by the publicbaptized Fashion Project. In March 2017, she arrived on Canal+ Africa to host an investigative show. The same year, she joined Thierry Ardisson’s team of columnists in Les terriens du Dimanche. The following year, she left the show following a controversy that arose during the arrival of the polemicist Éric Zemmour. The future presidential candidate criticizes him for his first name Hapsatou, and believes that the first name Corinne suits him better, on the grounds that it appears on the Republican calendar. Hapsatou Sy takes offense, Thierry Ardisson does not defend her, and ends up resigning while attacking Éric Zemmour in court. Between 2020 and 2021, she collaborates with Cyril Hanouna on Balance your post And TPMP! They’re making TV againbefore finally leaving the group at the end of August 2021, when Christine Kelly recruited Éric Zemmour as a permanent guest of Faced with information.

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