The CNESST demands a more extensive use of N95 masks

(Montreal) The Committee on Standards, Equity, Health and Safety at Work (CNESST) “demands” that the wearing of N95-type masks be extended “to those who provide care in these situations. most at risk, including certain situations in cold areas ”.

Clara Descurninges
The Canadian Press

In a press release published on Friday, the CNESST recalled that it has already been asking for such measures for several months for staff working in hot and lukewarm areas.

If she now wants to see this extended protection, it is above all because of “the progression of the Omicron variant”, much more contagious than the Delta.

This new variant is now dominant in the Montreal region and is spreading at lightning speed in the province. Thursday, the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ) identified 9,397 new cases of COVID-19, for a total of 41,807 active cases, a record since the start of the pandemic.

On the INSPQ website, it is stated that “wearing a respirator (respirator) type N95 is recommended in certain situations that may increase the risk of transmission, such as during medical procedures generating aerosols. It may also be considered in other circumstances, such as uncontrolled outbreaks in healthcare settings. ”

This article has been produced with the financial support of the Facebook Stock Exchanges and The Canadian Press for News.

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