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A leak of confidential documents posted online on a mysterious site, Les Dossiers du Rocher, accuses these four (very) close friends of Prince Albert II of corruption and embezzlement. So this so-called “G4” decided to counterattack in “Complément d’Enquête”. This is the first time they have spoken together in this excerpt from the show.
“A handful of high-ranking people have succeeded in installing a veritable network of corruption in Monaco extending to the top of the state, abusing the power conferred on them by their functions.” On a mysterious website that appeared in October 2021, four personalities very close to Albert II are targeted: Thierry Lacoste, his childhood friend; Laurent Anselmi, his right arm; Didier Linotte, the supreme judge of the court of Monaco; Claude Palmero, the administrator of the prince’s property. At the maneuver behind Les Dossiers du Rocher, a “raven” which discloses hundreds of confidential documents involving this “G4”, which would be a kind of secret club.
“Pitiful Fable”retorts Laurent Anselmi in this extract from “Complement of the investigation” broadcast on May 11, 2023, recognizing between them a “friendship [qui] has no influence in the affairs of the state”. All four have been in the service of Prince Albert II and Monaco for at least ten years. And all four formally contest these accusations. After months of discussions, they decided to fight back. Conquered by a crisis communicator who claims to be paid by the Palace, they speak with one voice. It is not them that the crow would aim for, but Prince Albert II, with this “State destabilization operation”, these attempts “to weaken relatives of the prince” And “to prevent a new impetus from his reign”…
Raven composite portrait
To refute the accusations of embezzlement by the crow, they point to at least three gross forgeries in the Dossiers du Rocher. Thus, an alleged transfer to an account in Switzerland of 1 million euros. Their lawyer, Me Canu-Bernard, questioned the bank concerned: “The person you are talking about does not have an account with us”, he was told. According to her, these fakes prove that this crow is not an honest vigilante. But who is hiding behind this “anonymous coward”? This is the question that obsesses its four targets. To try to identify him, they will draw his composite portrait.
According to them, the budget of the “Dossiers du Rocher operation” is estimated at 10 or 15 million euros, thus directing their suspicions towards a crow with very significant financial means. But facing the camera, they will not take the risk of designating the one they believe to be the sponsor of the grand unpacking.
Excerpt from “The crow that makes Monaco tremble”, a document to see in “Complément d’Enquête” on May 11, 2023.
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