Posted at 6:00 a.m.
Which side ?
Do lefties in soccer get more attention or are they so rare that it makes them more popular or coveted players (Messi, Griezmann, Salah, Maradona, etc.)?
Martin Levac
Response from Jean-François Téotonio:
There is a certain advantage to kicking with the left foot in soccer. Since more than 80% of players are right-handed, left-handed players bring a significant degree of unpredictability. Left-handed people make up only 10% of the world’s population. But among professional soccer players, the proportion rises to around 20%. One might think that they are therefore, as you suggest, more coveted. Or while some of them have forced their ambidexterity. The first hypothesis seems more likely to me.
Lionel Messi’s left-handedness is not the only guarantee of his success, of course. But it is true that left-handed players are overrepresented on the board of the best players in history. You named some. There was also Johan Cruyff, Ryan Giggs, Alfredo Di Stefano, in particular. Currently we are talking about Riyad Mahrez, Erling Haaland, Kai Havertz or Bukayo Saka, among others.
The celebration of too many
In football, players often celebrate ostentatiously after a good game. I find that in addition to the high fives, he gives himself a lot of shoulder blows, helmet shocks and above all almost violent taps on the head during these celebrations. It seems to me that, by dint of doing this repeatedly, players are playing with their health in the long run, right? Are there bodies in the leagues that have already considered the potential negative consequences of these practices?
Philippe Dube
Response from Miguel Bujold:
Indeed, at a certain time, we often saw celebrations as you describe them, in particular the slaps on the head. But we see these kind of celebrations more and more rarely, probably because players realize that it is unnecessary and dangerous. It would be very difficult to analyze the repercussions of these kinds of celebrations since it would be impossible to know whether it was the celebrations or the game as such that would be at the origin of the negative consequences of which you speak.
A well deserved pay
What is the average salary of a referee and linesman in the NHL? And by the way, what is the comparison with other sports?
Andre Demers
Response from Alexander Pratt:
Salary varies greatly depending on years of service. According to the collective agreement, for a rookie arbitrator, it is $213,142. For a 16-year veteran, it’s $465,919. It is possible to increase your income by officiating during the playoffs. Linesmen’s base salaries ranged from $137,845 to $284,904. These are salaries comparable to those of the NBA, NFL and major league baseball.

Salaries for umpires and linesmen in the NHL are comparable to those in the NBA, NFL and major league baseball.
Radio silence at the Expos
Since the refusal of the concept of shared custody of the Rays by Montreal and Tampa, it is radio silence for the rest of things. If Montreal has as legendary a passion for baseball as Jackie Robinson, wouldn’t there be reason to consider reviving the Royals rather than the Expos? […] In the long run, wouldn’t that be the best step to fix the short-sighted gaffe of letting the Expos go? Wouldn’t it be easier to get a minor league franchise than a big club?
Jean-Francois L’Heureux
Response from Alexander Pratt:
Contrary to popular belief, there is a passion for baseball in Quebec. Registrations this summer have even reached their highest level since the 1990s. The time is right for the establishment of a AAA-caliber team in the Montreal region. The problem ? Stadium. Renting the Olympic Stadium would cripple the team’s finances. And there are no other alternatives in the metropolitan area. The owners should build a new stadium. Not impossible, but unlikely in the medium term.