“The closer it gets, the more I’m very afraid”: Soon to be a mother, Camille Lellouche expresses all her fears

The closer it gets, the more I’m very afraid, confides Camille Lellouche in his story this Tuesday, August 22. As D-Day, that of her first childbirth, is fast approaching, the comedian assures his subscribers, not to do “at all clever“. Stressed like most pregnant women, the 36-year-old singer opened up to her community on Instagram, still without a filter on her apprehensions and what she is currently feeling, while she is engaged in her eighth month of pregnancy.

Pregnant with her first child, the artist revealed in The Voice took 17 kilos, as she reveals today. Kilos that she had to bear and if she likes her stomach a lot, she admits to having more difficulties with her knees, her hair or her skin. But as we approach the end of this pregnancy, “not far from the goal“, in her words, the one who is about to welcome a baby girl seems mostly stressed by the birth and all that goes with it. “Am I kidding myself? Yes of courselaughs Camille Lellouche in front of the camera. I’m very afraid of everything, even the words we use: mucous plug, water bag, epidural too, that doesn’t make me happy. Lots of veins!

Assessment after eight months of pregnancy

Terms that are likely to resonate with other pregnant women, or as memories with happy mothers. As always, the interpreter of But I love you is cash on his state of health. She thus reveals that she only wears makeup once a month, and that she no longer blow-drys. She laments thebuttons in the backand concludes:I only had stuff not phew“, recalling in passing that every woman is different.”I was told that the last months were long, indeed, it is long long long. And then it weighs, you don’t sleep. I tell you, the first four months I puked and did not move, after great for two and a half months, and as soon as I got into the 7th knockout impossible to sleepI sleep sitting“, she noted.

Then, she evokes this little girl who is about to arrive, always with a lot of humor. “It seems that when you have a daughter, she takes on all your beauty. And for what little I had… she took it all in from the start, I was hideous the first 5, 6 months, and now I’m just cheum“, she let know.

Only a few more weeks and Camille Lellouche will meet this little being who will fill her with happiness…

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