the cliche that says a lot

This beginning of the year has been particularly trying for Rayane Bensetti. In addition to having been the victim of a skiing accident, the actor had to do dealing with the disappearance of her grandmother.

Moreover, it was in a long message posted on February 24, 2022 that Rayane Bensetti made a moving statement to her grandmother. “My little granny. You fought like a lioness… It’s so hard to see the people we love leave, and our family destroyed by pain… You know sometimes, behind my big smile hides a huge pain. But you will never know in the moment… I will take care of my mom pray for my grandmother, my family and for you… Remember “there are things that break the heart but fix the vision “Don’t wait to say I love you to your loved ones, don’t yell at each other for nonsense, spread joy and good humor around you… I’ll try to apply that and stay positive even if the pain is very strong… we are just passing through… Granny? Dad will take good care of you I promise. I love you very much. Allah y rahma” we could read on Instagram.

Shortly after, Rayane Bensetti left for the mountains as part of a new shoot which allowed him to change his mind. Moreover, he posts almost daily videos and photos that give an overview of what he has in store for us. Moreover, the young man promised that he was going to show himself in a completely different light and as we have never seen him before.

For the little that we have already seen on social networks, who has been the victim of identity theftseems to embody a character that could not be more crazy. And that’s good since level troublemaker, he is rather well surrounded between Michael Youn and Vincent Desagnat. A few hours ago, the former partner of Denitsa Ikonomova posted a photo where we can see the two former stars of Morning Live dressed as Power Rangers on Instagram. For his part, the beautiful blond seems in full altercation with the interpreter of Fatal. If it seems to be above all a snapshot from the next project signed Amazon. This had the gift of intriguing internet users.

What do you think is the most plausible scenario?

See also: the poignant declaration of Rayane Bensetti

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