the “clear space” operation already criticized



Video length: 1 min

Fight against drug trafficking in Marseille: the “clearance” operation already criticized

Fight against drug trafficking in Marseille: the “clearance” operation already criticized


The day after Emmanuel Macron’s surprise visit to the northern districts of Marseille, Tuesday March 19, the usefulness of the “clear square” system to fight against drug trafficking is questioned by the opposition and some of the residents .

President Emmanuel Macron was in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), Tuesday March 19, to support the results of the “place net” operation, which took place in the Marseille city and has so far counted 98 arrests and 71 police custody. An action to combat drug trafficking described as “XXL” by the government. But when Marine Le Pen is questioned on France Inter, the National Rally MP quips: “It may be a bit exaggerated”she said, considering that the operation is rather large “S, ‘Small'”. “Mobilizing 3,000 to 4,000 police officers and gendarmes to recover, in the space of two days, four weapons, 98 ammunition and eight kilos of cannabis, we are not going to go far”she added.

“Marine Le Pen is in the ‘blabla’”, reprimands Éric Dupond-Moretti

Criticisms to which the Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti, quickly reacted in the morning of RMC on Wednesday March 20. “What is Madame Le Pen proposing? (…) It’s easy to be in the background. I’m in the action, she’s in the ‘blabla'”, retorted the Minister of Justice . And to announce a strengthening of the means to stem drug trafficking in Marseille in the years to come: “By 2027, we will have 12 more magistrates and 18 additional clerks in Marseille”. For the people of Marseillais and their representatives, this so-called large-scale operation could be a dead end, because traffic would have resumed on Tuesday evening.

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