The associations pleaded in favor of maintaining the children’s judge Edouard Durand, appreciated in particular for his independence and his outspokenness.
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The government announced, Monday, December 11, that the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence Against Children (Ciivise), notably responsible for combating incest, would continue its work while extending its missions to minor victims of prostitution. or online child abuse. The commission will have a new pair at its head and no longer Judge Edouard Durand.
The commission will now be co-chaired by the ex-rugby player and association leader Sébastien Boueilh (founder of Colosse aux pieds d’église) and the legal expert, pediatrician and forensic scientist Caroline Rey-Salmon, although the associations pleaded in favor of maintaining the children’s judge Edouard Durand, co-president of the Commission since 2021 and appreciated in particular for his independence and his outspokenness.