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To put an end to dog droppings, Bergerac, in the Dordogne, has decided to set up a high fine. In the event of a recurrence, it could reach 750 euros for canine owners.
The town of Bergerac, in the Dordogne, is going to war against dog droppings. The municipality wants to significantly increase the amount of fines for owners who do not pick up the droppings of their doggies. From now on, dog droppings left on the ground by their owners will cost a fine of 135 euros. In the event of a repeat offence, the fine could go up to 750 euros.
The measure is welcomed by residents. One of them explains: “It’s very good. We, it bothers us in the streets to see so much dirt.” Every day, municipal employees collect more than 12 kilos of waste. This represents a significant budget for the municipality: 100,000 euros per year. To fight, “We set a high enough fine to be sure that people pick up dog droppings”, says the mayor. In parallel, the city will distribute portable collection bags to its inhabitants.