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In a few weeks, it will no longer be possible to travel to Venice freely. The city will set up visit quotas. You will now have to pay an entrance ticket to visit the center. Objective: to limit the number of entries.
Some 100,000 tourists usually stroll through the town squares. The elected officials of Venice no longer want this to happen again. “Summer is impossible, we cannot enjoy Venice”, reports a tourist interviewed. In 2022, Venice will therefore be visited by reservation. It will be necessary to buy paid tickets on the internet. Valid for one day, these tickets will cost 5 euros.
The future porticoes of Venice have already arrived and will close the main accesses to the historic centers. 500 cameras, which can count the number of people, continuously broadcast the images of the street. The police director can also establish the identity of people in real time using data from mobile phones. The system will allow the people of Venice and those who work there to circulate. The aim is to change the face of tourism and encourage longer tourism.