The city of steam | Carlos Ruiz Zafón’s posthumous book ★★★★

Tribute from a publisher to an author who died too soon, The city of steam contains 11 short stories that Carlos Ruiz Zafón had suggested to collect in a collection. Posthumous nods to Barcelona and to characters from its novels. A last gift for his readers …

Eric Clement

Eric Clement

Discovering a last work by Carlos Ruiz Zafón is a pain when you realize that he succumbed to cancer in 2020. The city of steam do not feed like The shadow of the wind, but fans of the Catalan novelist’s unique writing will not fail to immerse themselves in these 11 short stories. To find the characters encountered in The cemetery of forgotten books. And its stories, the images of which will live with you for a long time. A literary signature that made him the most translated Spanish writer in the world after Miguel de Cervantes.

It is moreover the genitor of Don Quixote who is the subject of the new central of the book. A rider advises Cervantes to write a book the fame of which will be worldwide! The other stories are short and tasty. A rich little girl falls under the spell of a poor little boy with a fertile imagination. A young lady from Barcelona, ​​a luxurious little girl, is looking for a father. The adventure, between Constantinople and Spain, of a labyrinth builder. A Catalan lawyer, adviser to princes, lives like a hermit except to challenge a chess player every Christmas.

The Spanish Civil War is also behind two short stories and another immerses us in the world of architect Antoni Gaudí. News that talks about love, loyalty, friendship and the impact of reading on the development of the human spirit. The mark of the legacy of Carlos Ruiz Zafón.

The city of steam

The city of steam

South Acts

194 pages

source site-53