The City of Sarlat alerts on fraudulent door-to-door sales

Be careful, if you open the door to a direct seller. Two individuals are reportedly going door to door asking for money, posing as municipal agents. The city of Sarlat alerts on this fraud and affirms that no municipal agent is authorized to make this type of step.

The town hall was informed by a resident of Sarlat yesterday during the day. “They ask for money but mostly do scouting. They enter the house to see what is inside”, details Elise Barrière, communications officer for the city of Sarlat.

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The City calls for the greatest vigilance, especially during the holiday season when fraudulent procedures are more numerous. Always remain suspicious, do not bring strangers into your home, and call the town hall or the gendarmerie as soon as a step is suspicious, adds Elise Barrière.

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