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In Rome, Italy, the “nasonis” are drinking fountains. Completely free, they allow residents to stay hydrated, while having less ecological impact.
In Rome (Italy), near the famous fountains that attract tourists, there are drinking fountains. These “nasonis” date from the 19th century and are made of cast iron. One meter high, they weigh 100 kg. The city’s 2,500 fountains are fed by underground galleries. Since 2022, distributors have even offered sparkling water, while an application lists the water points in Rome.
“The water is really good, it’s like mountain water, spring water”assures a tourist. “It’s great not to have to pay and never run out of water in your bottle”, adds another. The fountains are also environmentally friendly. “[Elles] make it possible to limit the consumption of mineral water and therefore of plastic bottles”, explains Paolo Carsetti, of the Italian Water Protection Forum. With the average temperature of 30°C on summer afternoons in Rome (Italy), water fountains are very popular.