The City of Quebec has been slow to correct the shortcomings of its distribution system

The Auditor General criticizes the way in which the City of Quebec has implemented a new dispatch system for its emergency services. It took a saber attack in Old Quebec for the necessary corrective measures to be taken to problems that had been known for a year.

When it was set up in May 2019, computer-aided dispatch, or RAO, which coordinates the deployment of units in the event of an emergency, was already experiencing failures. “The complexity of the project was underestimated at the start,” noted Auditor General (AG) Michel Samson. Risk management was inadequate. »

These shortcomings have led, continues the VG, “several postponements in the implementation of the CAD, a loss of confidence of the people who use the system [… et une augmentation des coûts », de l’ordre de 20 %.

Quatre mois après la mise en service du nouveau système, seulement « 28 % des personnes étaient satisfaites » de sa convivialité, « 31 % de sa fiabilité et 45 % de la qualité des réponses et des solutions obtenues. »

Les ratés du système étaient connus du Service de police de la Ville de Québec (SPVQ), mais il a fallu qu’une tragédie survienne dans les rues de la ville pour que l’équipe de gestion de crise les règle, note le vérificateur général. Le 31 octobre 2020, Carl Girouard, récemment reconnu coupable de meurtres aux premiers degrés, parcourait les rues du Vieux-Québec sabre à la main, tuant deux personnes et en blessant cinq autres.

« De nombreux problèmes survenus après l’implantation de la RAO ont tardé à être résolus, et ce, jusqu’à l’incident [sic] of Halloween 2020, mentions Michel Samson in his report tabled Tuesday morning. Users of the CAD system reported numerous issues that were not effectively addressed soon after its implementation until November 2020.”

The Auditor General also deplores the inadequate training given to users of the new system prior to its implementation. The City, writes the VG, wanted to emphasize the advantages brought by the new assisted distribution. “The measures put in place have not enabled people who use the system to become aware of the importance of the change to come and to adapt to it,” criticizes Mr. Samson.

If the police have now corrected most of the problems related to the RAO, it is different with the service of protection against fires of the City of Quebec (SPCIQ).

“Some issues and concerns persisted in February 2022,” says Samson. The routing of units to certain addresses and the assignment of the rescue team to a fire, in particular, are among the shortcomings that remained to be resolved at the start of the year.

The City, notes the auditor general, will have to quickly assess what action is taken on its RAO. “As of July 2025, the operating system provider for the servers on which the new CAD system is based will no longer offer updates or technical support. The City will have to make a decision in the coming years about the future of the RAO system, writes Michel Samson. She has also taken steps to assess the various options available to her. »

Further details will follow.

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