The City of Marseille opens a screening center for children at Parc Chanot

Whereas Prime Minister Jean Castex announced the easing of the health protocol in schools to cope with the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, the City of Marseille is opening a screening center for children at Parc Chanot in Hall 3. This is the first assistant Michèle Rubirola who announces it on her Twitter account. The tests will be carried out with the marine firefighters, mobilized in this crisis from the start.

Children will therefore be able to take an antigen test without making an appointment from Monday to Friday from from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. with a break on Thursday to allow the teams to breathe. The goal is to facilitate the daily life of families forced in recent days to increase the number of tests for children. From now on for school the self-tests will suffice.

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