The city of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin mobilized against rodents

In recent weeks, residents of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin have alerted on social networks to the presence of rodents at the moment in the town, in particular in the Flemish district in Tourlaville, that of the Provinces in Cherbourg or in the valley of Quincampoix at La Glacerie. Beginning of November, of the employees of the Naval group Cherbourg site had the misfortune of discovering rats in the changing rooms, the canteen or the workshops. An internal memo was sent to employees and rat control operations were initiated to resolve the problem.

Two rat control campaigns in the fall

“We haven’t seen any particular increase. We are in a classic management of this problem “, explains for his part the deputy mayor of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin in charge of safety and hygiene Pierre-François Lejeune. Thus, two rat control campaigns are carried out in the fall in the town: a first in October-November, and a second three weeks later costing November-December. “This is what can explain this resurgence”, notes the deputy. On this occasion, two companies operate according to the Cherbourg-en-Cotentin sector. But beyond this period, an agent has been specially trained and intervenes urgently at the level of the municipal hygiene team. “He intervenes all year round to give advice to the inhabitants, or to transmit products, bait. The interventions are at the same time at the private individuals, in the sewers, the green spaces, near the electrical network, etc.”, adds the elected, who encourages residents to turn to the town hall in case of concerns.

It is important not to throw food waste, to leave garbage cans. This is the main factor to attract rats – Pierre-François Lejeune, deputy mayor in charge of hygiene

Thereby, rat poison can be collected from town halls accompanied by precautions for use. In addition, it is forbidden to feed animals in public spaces: article 120 of the departmental health regulations provides for a fine of up to 450 euros for offenders.

Vibrations and works

For its part, the company Avipur, which has a branch in Cherbourg, notes an increase in its sales activity. “5 to 10% since deconfinement to treat localized points. We are not on an invasion “, specifies Guillaume Winiarz, the manager. “When all activity stops or slows down, and suddenly everything starts again, there can be a strong pressure on the rodents. And if the births are not regulated, that can cause problems”, adds the professional. Among the examples: industrial activity and especially construction work, which cause waves, vibrations and cause rodents to change hiding places. In addition, the lack of space can encourage these trips.

A female can reproduce every twenty days. And can have a litter of five to six mice or rats each time. The rat reaches sexual maturity after six weeks and has an average lifespan of one year to eighteen months.

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