the citizens’ convention will begin its work at the beginning of December

“The work will end in mid-March,” said the organizer of the citizens’ convention, the Economic, social and environmental advice.

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The citizens’ convention on the end of life, which must bring together around a hundred French people in order to guide the government on a possible new change in law, will begin its work on December 9, announced Thursday, December 29 its organizer, the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Cesa).

“The convention will be launched on Friday, December 9 and the work will end in mid-March”, announced at a press conference Claire Thoury, member of the Cese. The question that will be asked is: “Is the framework (…) of end-of-life support adapted to the different individual situations encountered, or should any changes be introduced?”

It is on the basis of these debates that the government will decide whether or not to change the Claeys-Leonetti law on medical support at the end of life, possibly by legalizing a “active assistance in dying” that the Ethics Committee recently deemed possible, but under strict conditions.

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