The Citizens’ Convention on the end of life ended its work on Sunday. It considers mostly “necessary” to authorize assisted suicide and euthanasia. For the moment, the National Council of the College of Physicians is against it.
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“The Citizens’ Convention is one stone in the building among others”reacts on Sunday April 2 on franceinfo Jean-Marcel Mourgues, vice-president of the National Council of the Order of Physicians, recalling that it is “parliamentary representation” who will vote on the text in the event of changes to the Claeys-Leonetti law.
The Citizens’ Convention on the end of life ended its work on Sunday April 2 and judges by majority “necessary” to authorize assisted suicide and euthanasia. All of the conclusions will be submitted on Monday April 3 to Emmanuel Macron. The National Council of the College of Physicians is currently against it. Jean-Marcel Mourgues recalls that this position is “a waypoint”. There will be more soon, “on reading both the reports to come, the bill that is not written, and the parliamentary hearings”underlines the doctor.
“Doctors are part of society and they too are animated by currents of thought”
Jean-Marcel Mourgues, vice-president of the National Council of the Order of Physiciansat franceinfo
The subject of the end of life “is extremely sensitive” insists Jean-Marcel Mourgues and cannot achieve unanimity. But according to him “two points are consensual, especially among associations in favor of changing the law” : the specific conscience clause and the provision of resources “for a real application” of the Claeys-Leonetti law, i.e. “continuous sedation at a terminal stage of the disease”.
If Emmanuel Macron decides to initiate an evolution of the existing law, Jean-Marcel Mourgues underlines that health professionals “are legalists. The law will prevail but at that time, each doctor will assert his conscience clause or not”he says.