the Ciretec factory, ravaged by fire, will not be rebuilt

Saint-Ay will lose know-how. This Thursday evening, the management of Elvia Group, which includes the Ciretec factory specializing in electronic circuits, announced to employees the desire not to rebuild the factory devastated by fire six months ago. . Only the technical center, which is used to control the products, should see the light of day. There will therefore no longer be a production plant for electronic components. Of the 70 employees, only 17 are sure to keep their jobs in Saint-Ay.

Mobility in Rennes or Coutances

For six months, the employees fought for an identical reconstruction, which was one of the group’s three options. Finally, the production plant is permanently removed. “I think it’s the easy decision, advance Lydie Gomez, CGT union representative. They surely want to upgrade the other two sites”. On these two sites (Rennes and Coutances), mobility will be offered to the fifty or so workers who will no longer have work in the Loiret. “No way, comments Franck, 31 years old at Ciretec. I’m 55, I’m not going anywhere else, my life is here.”

For the mayor of Saint-Ay, Frédéric Cuillerier, the decision of the Elvia group is not “satisfactory”. “This factory was on the rise, it supplied circuit boards for national defense and aerospace, it’s a state-of-the-art factory, he assures. We are told about reindustrialisation, and yet we remain on a minimal decision.

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