the CHU no longer requires the health pass to its caregivers



Article written by

S. Guillaumin, Martinique the 1st, Y.Saidani – France 3

France Televisions

Martinique has lifted the health pass obligation for nursing staff. Employees of the Martinique University Hospital will be able to practice their profession, whether they are tested, vaccinated or not.

Since October 11, CHU employees were required to present a valid health pass at the entrance to the hospital. Faced with the refusal of a large number of nursing staff, the management of the CHU decided to lift this obligation. “The caregivers can enter, on the other hand they are asked to go to be tested if they do not have an up-to-date health pass”, explains Benjamin Garel, the director of the CHUMr. DRandom checks are put in place to verify that all staff have been screened.

This decision brings down an omnipresent pressure, which has given way to muscular clashes between the anti-pass unions and the police. The management also announces the establishment of a mediation which worries the caregivers.ocals. I do not know what is done tomorrow. What are we going to become? Are we going to be fired ? “, one of them worries. From Sunday, October 24, the vaccine will become compulsory for Martinique caregivers.


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