Beijing has accused the Democratic Progressive Party, in power in Taiwan and favorite in the upcoming presidential election, of pushing the island “towards the dangerous conditions of war”.
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Beijing does not deviate from its line. The Chinese army is committed to “will take all necessary measures to crush” efforts in favor of Taiwan’s independence, Friday January 12, on the eve of a crucial presidential election in the island claimed by China.
China accuses Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party of pushing the island “toward the dangerous conditions of war” by buying weapons in the United States. All week, the communist dictatorship has increased its diplomatic and military pressure on the island. Five Chinese balloons again crossed the median line separating the archipelago from China on Thursday, according to the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense. It also spotted ten planes and six warships.
Taiwan, a territory of 23 million inhabitants hailed as a model of democracy in Asia, is located just 180 kilometers from the coast of China. The latter considers it as one of its provinces to be attached to the rest of the country, by force if necessary.