the chilling testimony of this 67-year-old retiree who shocked everyone …

A sad video went viral on the networks this Monday, January 10. Violent images on which we can see Ali, a 67-year-old retiree from Noisy-le-Sec (Seine-Saint-Denis), dragged over a hundred meters by a car … by a group of young men in the process of film while laughing obnoxiously. The video having deeply shocked and saddened public opinion, Cyril Hanouna did not hesitate to take up the matter.

This Tuesday, January 11, 2022, he thus received the assaulted retiree in his program “Touche pas à mon poste”. On the set, the 67-year-old man named Ali revealed the context linked to this attack: “I met four people in a white Clio, I knew the driver by sight. He asked me for a cigarette” he explained. The retiree then took out his package to offer him one when everything went wrong: “He took my hand and said ‘Now you’re going to run’. He accelerated with the car for 100 meters. I was like, ‘Let go of me, let me go, I am going to fall’. After 100 yards, he let go of me and I crashed my head on the tarmac. “. Still laughing, the attackers then fled, leaving their victim lying on the ground, bleeding …

“I have a broken head of the humerus, a broken foot, a bruise on my knee that is badly scratched, on my face too, I was stitched up in the arch. My hands also dragged on the floor. … “ Ali disclosed regarding the injuries sustained as a result of his assault. A testimony which generated the anger and sadness of Cyril Hanouna which made the antenna very moved and on the verge of tears.

According to information from Europe 1, two individuals were arrested, namely the driver, a certain Amin B., 24 years old and his passenger who filmed the scene, Davnys F., 23 years old. We also learned that the two young men would have subjected the same fate to three other people …

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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