“The children’s room looks like a police cell!”

Their entry into school, arguments with parents, or the arrival of a new baby in the family… Viewers of Large families, life in XXL, can witness many highlights in the program. But what most interests fans of the show that airs every day on TF1, it is obviously the hilarious situations or the clashes. Precisely, viewers were able to discover a funny sequence in the last episodes. Yann Barthès and the teams of Daily have also shared the moment this Wednesday, February 8, in the daily newspaper of TFX.

If we were able to discover little Aloys who never “say the magic word” to his parents to ask for sandwiches, we were also able to discover the Bambara family. This one, made up of Rofrane and Nasser and their four children, has decided to get their hands dirty in recent days. And seeing the condition of the children’s room, fans could easily understand their choice. Indeed, in the sequence unveiled by Daily, showed a room with areas… of a police cell. Phrases and drawings on the walls, graffiti on the door… the space definitely needed a renovation. It remains to be seen how long the works will last…

Rofrane Bambara, a mother of “Large families, life in XXL” very followed

If the star of the program Large families: life in XXL, is of course Amandine Pellisard and the rest of her family, Rofrane Bambara is not left out despite everything. Indeed, she is one of the most followed mothers of the program. In addition to taking care of her four children, she also ensures in her other activity as an influencer. Nasser’s companion has more than 343,000 subscribers on her social networks and always tries to exchange with her fans.

The latter often show concern when she is absent for several days without giving any news. The proof, on December 27, 2022, when she had to speak to reassure everyone. “We were very scared and I was very scared compared to everything that had happened to me last year (she had had an epileptic seizure which had taken her to the emergency room: editor’s note). I am a person at risk of serious forms of the flu. I was very unwell.” She explained to her subscribers in order to reassure them. These same subscribers, who are now waiting to discover the new children’s room, once the work is done.


See also: “He wanted to fuck my girlfriend”: Amandine Pelissard makes a surprising revelation about her husband Alexandre

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