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08:53 : Gabriel Attal also announced that the detailed list of the health professions concerned would be communicated “during the day”.
8:50 a.m. : We have planned to welcome the children of caregivers throughout France, to ensure that caregivers can continue to work “, announcement on France Inter the government spokesperson, Gabriel Attal.
08:46 : “We saw last night a form of friendship of irresponsibility to constitute itself, with the deputies of Insubordinate France, of the National Gathering and of LR to derail the calendar of the adoption of the vaccine pass”, reacted the door – speech of the government, guest of France Inter.
08:39 : In the aftermath of the surprise suspension at the National Assembly of the examination of the draft law on the vaccine pass, the government aims for a timetable “as close as possible to what was planned”, announces on France Inter its spokesperson Gabriel Attal.
08:19 : I am a caregiver and I am outraged. While opposition MPs decide to stop continuing to review a bill on the vaccine pass at night, should we decide to stop caring for our patients because it is midnight? Irresponsible behavior, of kids in a schoolyard, unworthy of the position they occupy. A lack of exemplarity that hurts me in relation to my daily life. I am disgusted.
08:07 : Phew! Finally !!!! Stop voting hard, in the middle of the night, for terrible texts!
8:01 am : Hello, I am dismayed, a fundamental text which has a real impact on vaccination, and endless debates. Sometimes I wonder about democracy.
08:06 : This night, the National Assembly suspended, to everyone’s surprise, the examination of the text on the vaccine pass. This unforeseen event risks upsetting the government’s timetable. In the comments, many of you react.
08:06 : “For these very small companies which are worried (…) which have a knife under their throat but which nevertheless have prospects of recovery (…): we are going to help them to pass this course (…). ”
Guest of RTL, the Minister of the Economy announces the possibility of applying to the credit mediation “a spread of loan repayments up to 10 years” and the possibility of “start repaying [le prêt garanti par l’Etat] not next spring but at the end of 2022. “
08:04 : Thomas Mesnier, LREM deputy for Charente and general rapporteur for the Social Security financing law, was, with the elected LFI Manuel Bombard, the guest of “Your political moment” on the franceinfo channel, last night. He mentioned the FFP2 mask in the face of the surge of the Omicron variant in France.
07:16 : They are among the last representatives of their species and, as such, must be protected. Charly and Sandai, a Bengal tiger and a Bornean orangutan, yesterday received their second dose of coronavirus vaccine as part of an experimental program unique in Latin America led by the Santiago de Chile zoo. The vaccine administered is experimental and is not available for sale. Moreover, its formula is only intended for animals.

08:03 : To face this formidable wave, the ARS Ile-de-France, which also participates in “contact tracing”, had to set up a prioritization in the processing of reports, explains Cécile Somarriba, director of health surveillance and security. “We are based on two criteria: the population concerned, with priority given for example to the investigation of cases in nursing homes and in all fragile communities. The second criterion is the number of cases confirmed at the start of the treatment. the health survey. We first deal with the most risky situations “, specifies the scientist.
08:03 : However, since the beginning of December, “6,000 people are assigned to this tracing mission – a doubling of the workforce”, explains health insurance to franceinfo. But faced with an epidemic situation qualified as “never seen”, some of the contaminated people are no longer contacted.
07:07 : “We’re completely drowned, we can’t call everyone anymore.”
With the recent explosion of contaminations, the teams of “contact tracing” are overwhelmed, which undermines the strategy of the government, which is to “test, trace and isolate”. Our journalist Eloïse Bartoli tells us about the difficulties encountered by these agents.
08:02 : A little optimism? To find this, it will be necessary to turn to The Parisian-Today in France, who sees the glass half full when looking closely at the Omicron variant. 
06:56 : Like the school, the hospital is also destabilized by the Omicron variant. This is the other subject this morning in one of the French dailies.

08:02 : The press returns this morning to the day of hardship for many schoolchildren and parents of pupils on the occasion of yesterday’s return to school. While the number of cases of contamination soars, many fear the disorganization of the school.

8:00 a.m. : One month before the Beijing Winter Olympics, China is still applying its “zero Covid” strategy. After the discovery of three asymptomatic cases of Covid-19, the authorities decided to confine the inhabitants of the city of Yuzhou, in the province of Henan, that is to say 1.2 million inhabitants.
07:59 : Here is what you need to know about the news when you wake up:
The examination of the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass was the subject of a surprise suspension shortly after midnight by the National Assembly. It will be up to the conference of parliamentary group presidents at the Palais Bourbon to include the rest of the examination of the text on the Assembly’s agenda.
• The pressure due to the fifth wave of Covid is increasing on the hospital, with more than 2,000 admissions in 24 hours, according to figures from Public Health France. The care services continued to welcome a growing number of patients, with 19,606 patients hospitalized on Monday (against 19,043 on Sunday).
• Igor Bogdanoff, former host of “Temps X”, died at the age of 72, six days after his twin brother Grichka.