The cherry tomato, in salads or just to eat directly in the garden, it’s the foot! Roland Motte, our gardener recommends them to you.
In the tomato family, I want cherries! Small, of different colors, with the good taste of tomatoes and often sweeter than their larger cousin, cherry tomatoes invite themselves to the garden with Roland Motte, the gardener of France Bleu Besançon and France Bleu Lorraine.
To have beautiful cherry tomatoes, you need cherry tomatoes, stakes or not, potting soil, a watering can. There are tons and heaps of varieties of cherry tomatoes, round reds, elongated reds and pear-shaped yellows, oranges, pinks and even bluish blacks. There is something for everyone, because they are more or less sweet.
Let’s be clear, a cherry or no cherry tomato, well it’s a tomato. And to grow your tomato well, what does it need? From the sun. The more sun it receives, the tastier your tomato will be.
Place a tutor or not. But in any case, install a foot of basil nearby. It enhances the taste of fruits, but also a marigold. He tends to repel soil pests, those that eat the young roots of your tomato plan.
– Roland Motte
The tomato is composed of 95% water, so remember to mulch the foot, but you will have to follow the watering anyway.
Find Roland Motte on France Bleu Lorraine and France Bleu Besançon and on his website