“The Charest era marked by corruption”: PSPP challenges Jean Charest to prosecute him

Paul St-Pierre Plamondon persists and signs: “the Charest era was marked by corruption”. The leader of the Parti Québécois refuses to be silent and challenges the former prime minister to sue him.

• Read also: UPAC: it’s time to conclude the investigation into Jean Charest, believes Dominique Anglade

• Read also: Does politics still want Jean Charest?

• Read also: Mâchurer investigation: UPAC sleuths are still “collecting” information

The legacy of Jean Charest, candidate for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada, was harshly criticized this week by the caquistes, the péquistes and the solidarity.

Enraged, Liberal MP Lise Thériault made a fiery exit, attacking Jean Charest’s detractors. The jouster Luc Lavoie even maintained on the airwaves of LCN that “lawyers (of the former prime minister) are in the process of examining (the) remarks” of Paul St-Pierre Plamondon.

“We would like me, leader of the PQ, to be forced into silence on this question from now on? There are limits, wait a minute!” he says in an interview.

PSPP refuses to be “intimidated” by “emissaries” of Jean Charest.

“I challenge him to go ahead with this pursuit. I reaffirm that the Charest era was marked by corruption and that he has a political responsibility, both as leader of the PLQ and as Premier of Quebec, for these revelations of corruption in particular which were detailed during the Charbonneau commission. “, he adds.

Investigations “sabotaged”

Remember that PSPP is not elected. He therefore does not have the parliamentary immunity of a Member who speaks in the House or even the possibility of having his legal fees reimbursed by the National Assembly for remarks made in the exercise of his functions.

“It may take a little more courage in this context,” he said.

The leader of the PQ hopes that the Mâchurer investigation into the financing of the PLQ, led by the UPAC, will yield results.

“I think that if the investigations have been botched or are the subject of negligence or sabotage, they must be resumed correctly, he insists. I cannot explain to myself that almost all the investigations, by an incredible coincidence, do not all succeed”.

The chewing investigation still ongoing

At the start of the day Thursday, the Quebec Liberals openly expressed their desire that the squad responsible for fighting corruption conclude its investigation.

“After nine years, it is time for the investigation to end,” declared the leader of the PLQ, Dominique Anglade.

But it may not be for tomorrow. Not only is the Mâchurer investigation still ongoing, but the UPAC is still “collecting” information, said police spokesperson Mathieu Galarneau.

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