Six painters, or sculptors from Cher, have created to exhibit specifically in this huge chapel whose vault is more than ten meters high… Confection/Confessionthis is the name of this exhibition combining art and heritage…
– Michael Benoit
This chapel is a place both majestic and raw since left as it is with a dirt floor, for example: ” There’s something precious in there” rejoices Mick Texier, painter. ” There is a grandiloquence in the architecture and this gives a promontory to our work. It gives him strength. We see it perfectly with the works of Patrick Peltier. He makes from stone, concrete, assemblies with raw materials and here, it takes incredible strength. This ground here in beaten earth, in pebbles, in rubble, there is a primitive side which forces us to create differently. ”
– Michael Benoit
Yannick Bedin, deputy mayor in charge of culture, hopes in the long term, bring this chapel of the Hôtel Dieu back to life much more permanently. Initially, it will host an exhibition each year in September, before perhaps even greater ambitions: ” The works refer us to all the details of this chapel. It works very well. We are a candidate for European Capital of Culture in 2028, and we are thinking about investing in heritage places to make them living places dedicated to art. We also have a project to create a large museum in Bourges. It is obvious that the chapel of the Hôtel Dieu is one of the places that could accommodate this type of infrastructure. For now, this is just a reflection. Finances are constrained, but the European Capital of Culture candidacy could be a lever to allow these places to revive. “
– Michael Benoit
Six artists are behind this Confection/Confession exhibition: Daniel Bambagioni, Nicole Courtois, Mick Texier, Pierre-Yves Canard, Patricia Noblet and Patrick Peltier. Free admission from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m., weekends of 9-10-11 / 16-17-18 / 23-24-25 September (entrance 26 rue Gambon)