“The chances of avoiding Russian military aggression are extremely low”, according to MEP Nathalie Loiseau

The French and Russian presidents agreed on the telephone, this Sunday, to act for the return of peace to eastern Ukraine. But the elected LREM recalls that these promises have “already been made” by Vladimir Putin in the past.

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Even if Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron agreed on Sunday February 20 to do everything to quickly achieve a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, “the chances of avoiding Russian military aggression are extremely small”estimated on franceinfo, the MEP LREM Nathalie Loiseau, president of the sub-committee “Security and Defense.

“The promises that Vladimir Putin made today, he had already made them the first time to Emmanuel Macron”points out Nathalie Loiseau. “He had promised that the Russian troops would leave Belarus after the exercises. However, today we heard the Belarusian Minister of Defense saying no, they will stay. He had promised to relaunch the Normandy format, for the moment, we don’t ‘has not advanced’lists the MEP.

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You don’t have to “surely not” to be discouraged for all that, nuance Nathalie Loiseau. “What Emmanuel Macron tries, it must be done. It’s his duty”assures the European elected official.

“You have to be very careful because the situation is extremely tense, there have been more than a thousand ceasefire violations in 24 hours in eastern Ukraine.”

Nathalie Loiseau

at franceinfo

If Vladimir Putin really wants de-escalation, “it’s up to him to act”, says Nathalie Loiseau. “He alone bears the responsibility for what will happen. In any case, if Vladimir Putin wanted to return to the center of the game and the center of attention, at least he achieved it”, notes the MEP LREM. Nathalie Loiseau also remarks that “transatlantic links” are “tighter than ever” during this time. “The one who is doing the most for NATO at the moment is Vladimir Putin. We have never seen the transatlantic Alliance so united”.

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