the champion soon eliminated and the date has leaked!

All good things come to an end. But maybe Stéphane would have preferred the end to come much later in the year. Indeed, the candidate 12 strokes of noon is the champion of the program TF1 since August 20, 2022. For several months he has been sweeping his opponents one by one and always pocketing more euros in his kitty. At present, after discovering 5 mysterious stars, the worker has hoarded more than 500,000 euros so far. Which allows him to become the fifth greatest champion of the game of Jean-Luc Reichmann.

If he managed to increase his winnings during the special episode of the Yellow Pieces launch week, he will probably not go above 600,000 euros. Because he would be about to be eliminated, according to a YouTuber specializing in the program of TF1. In fact, the account star hunter revealed that Stéphane will be eliminated during the month of January and even revealed the exact date. Specifically, during the third week of January.

Stéphane eliminates “12 noon shots” … in January

“The show will run between January 17 and 20. At ‘Blow by blow’, it went red. Who says red says duel. He chose a candidate who found the right answer…”, revealed the Star Hunter account. However, it is useless to seek to know on which question Stéphane will bow out… the information not having been communicated by the Internet user. There is no doubt that fans of 12 strokes of noon apprehend this moment, they who had attached themselves to this worker who revealed that his participation in the game of TF1 could have resulted in his dismissal.

But fortunately, he is lucky to have employers “conciliatory”. “I had already alerted my bosses that I was playing game shows and could be absent. As I have exploded into the program and been recognized, my bosses no longer have any problem. They could very well send me back or ask me to stop the game, which they don’t do. They are very happy”he assured Tele-Leisure.

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